Sunday, December 6, 2009

In case you haven't heard

One of the most famous street artists has updated his website. Check out some new works by Banksy at It is very simple and lets the work do the talking, no boring artist statements or lengthy explanations of different pieces. I like how complex some of his indoor works are compared to some his simple street art.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hip-Hop just got a make-over!

This could be one of my favorite projects to come out in quite sometime! Of course there has been plenty of mash-ups and collaborations between Hip-Hop artists and Rock musicians before. This does not even compare to that, The Black Keys selected some of the best Rap and Hip-Hop artists of all time! There is no way to explain this with out at least seeing and hearing some of the riffs and raps...
Oh and I suggest you purchase this album, it just dropped on Black Friday. Make sure you catch some of the webisodes about the "Blakroc" project on youtube, I was addicted to them the other day at work.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

I am sitting at work looking out the window and it is still snowing! Thanks to a good friend I do not have to wake up at 5:30 am tomorrow and go to work like my last few Sunday's. Instead I get to go indulge in one of my favorite activities, SNOWBOARDING! This video below is how snowboarding got its start, if only you could see the smile on my face when I watch this video...
This video reminds me of how I got my start snowboarding riding a similar contraption, a BlackSnow snowboard. If you were lucky enough to grow up in the 90's you might remember this thing as a simple piece of plastic with 2 spots of plastic spikes on the top for your feet, a curled up nose with a string and a handle coming out of the front, and a lime green base with 2 metal rudders in the back. I remember every time it snowed even just an inch I would be out in the back yard sliding around on that thing. The most fun was when the creek in my backyard froze over we would do "cliff drops" by running and jumping on the board then flying onto the frozen ice. Looking back at it, it is a wonder I never drown or split my head open doing that. Now I wish I still had that board to do what the guys in that video did. Although I don't think the Blacksnow would be as agile and float as well in powder.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Brighton Opening Day

I cannot tell you how excited I am that Brighton is opening on Wednesday! Since words cannot explain I might as well invite you to watch this inspirational video!
If it does not work try this link:

Monday, November 2, 2009

Photo Comparison

Both of these polaroid photos were taken by Chris Swainson at his "Donations for Creations" show on Friday October 30 at FRESH. The first photo is my favorite because two pieces of film got stuck together to create that weird rectangular box effect that looks like we are holding it up. I love how accidents happen, sometimes for the better! This happens a lot in fine art, especially photography and painting. In my print class an accident happened that I enjoyed on one of my prints but that is not OK in printing because some people think that prints should be perfect. I told my friend Hayden that we should start a movement in printing that allows accidents. But, it has probably already happened. Just a thought...

Here is the second photo that shows my friends (L to R) Gram Ramsey, Myself, and Ian Matteson as The Trailer Park Boys! Gram is a made up character but I am Bubbles and Ian is Ricky. For people that recognized us we received a lot of credit for being original. Not to mention the facial hair changes we had to go through, mostly Ian. Oh and P.S. check what we are drinking out of! haha. Well until next Hallows Eve!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009


Halloween is one of my favorite weeks every, so many parties and you can be whoever you want! This year my friends and I decided we will go as a team on either Friday or Saturday. Here is a glimpse of what we will be... oh and if you haven't ever seen this show then prepare to be addicted!

Here is my second pick for a costume, the man, the myth, the legend, RON BURGUNDY!!!

If anyone can think of something else that I could be, lemme know ASAP, oh and feel free to comment on what you are going to be for Halloweek!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Snow in October = A change

It has been a possibly life changing week! First of all, It snowed! I was trying to hold out on the preseason snowboarding but the urge hit me and this is my last week of spare time so I decided to go for it. We went for a nice hike to "The Bone Yard" which is a" secret" little nook somewhere in Guardsmen pass. (For fear of my life I cannot tell you its exact location, hah) As for all the change in my life I recently just quit my job as a Valet downtown to work at you should check out their site and order some snow gear for the upcoming season! I am very excited to start training next week! Now its time to make some money! Oh and check out this video of SNOW at The Bone Yard that my friend Eddie made over at .

SNOW - Round 1 from Variety Pack on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

You might enjoy this...

The size of these prints amaze me! So much emotion... I'll just let the work do the talking

Thursday, September 24, 2009

This is Amazing

If you haven't heard of the artist "Blu" then you need to check this most recent collaboration with David Ellis. If you can even fathom how much time this took then you must really appreciate it...

and just in case you haven't seen the original video, here it is...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Ventin', Dawg

So these past few weeks have kept me beyond busy. Everything from staying up 'til 4 in the AM working on paintings and drawings for the art show, to helping Ian with his back lit photo and light box, and other school oriented work has got me thinking. Why do I do this? Well, first and foremost... It is because I love it, that sounds cliche but I really do, I am happy to give out my talents to help other people, may it be visually, personally, or constructively. But this brings me back to my dilemma at hand... monetary needs! I hate relying on money more than anything, but these past few days has put a major dent in my pockets. here is some comparisons...
Car fixed = $1200, bike fixed = $40 dollars, hell I could have made a bike from parts for the cost of fixing my car.
Season pass to Brighton= priceless! ($475 actually, but you catch my drift), not getting a season pass and staying home all winter = why in the world would I even do that! It may be my last season to ride as much as I can due to the fact that I graduate this year which means real world here I come!
Ok I am done b*tch*ng for now but on the upside I have an interview with on Wednesday so hopefully I get hired so I can get out of this financial funk! Oh and p.s I have photo's from the art show coming very soon so look out!

Monday, September 14, 2009


Come to our show! There will be plenty of visual stimulus! Everything from paintings, to drawings, to prints, to photos, to handmade products, all from The FAT KIDS to you at extremely reduced prices! Oh and if you didn't know I am one of the FAT KIDS. Oh and don't forget to check out the after party at the W Lounge to get your FACE MELTED by Nickel N' Dime! To learn more about FAT KIDS, go here...

Monday, September 7, 2009

question of the week

What is your first memory of yourself as a Child? It's harder than you might think... I cannot decide if I can actually recall my first memory or if it is just something that my parents told me about over the years.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Two things I stole from Skian

My friend Ian Wade (Skian) always introduces me to the coolest stuff, not to mention he owns the "freshest" shop in SLC. When you get a chance go to 9th and 9th and check out FRESH, buy some goods, then slap Skian a high five. Any way he introduced me to this song which I oddly like...
and this video which is truely insane and a work of art...

bloggin' dawg

It's a blog, Dawg! will be dedicated to a collection of topics of my choosing, such as music, art, good times, events, and life in general. Its a blog, Dawg has no limits confining what we post, some days it may just be a cleaver quote, other days just a photo. Well I think you get the point, the title says it all, It's just a blog, DAWG!