Monday, October 5, 2009

Snow in October = A change

It has been a possibly life changing week! First of all, It snowed! I was trying to hold out on the preseason snowboarding but the urge hit me and this is my last week of spare time so I decided to go for it. We went for a nice hike to "The Bone Yard" which is a" secret" little nook somewhere in Guardsmen pass. (For fear of my life I cannot tell you its exact location, hah) As for all the change in my life I recently just quit my job as a Valet downtown to work at you should check out their site and order some snow gear for the upcoming season! I am very excited to start training next week! Now its time to make some money! Oh and check out this video of SNOW at The Bone Yard that my friend Eddie made over at .

SNOW - Round 1 from Variety Pack on Vimeo.

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