Saturday, November 14, 2009

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

I am sitting at work looking out the window and it is still snowing! Thanks to a good friend I do not have to wake up at 5:30 am tomorrow and go to work like my last few Sunday's. Instead I get to go indulge in one of my favorite activities, SNOWBOARDING! This video below is how snowboarding got its start, if only you could see the smile on my face when I watch this video...
This video reminds me of how I got my start snowboarding riding a similar contraption, a BlackSnow snowboard. If you were lucky enough to grow up in the 90's you might remember this thing as a simple piece of plastic with 2 spots of plastic spikes on the top for your feet, a curled up nose with a string and a handle coming out of the front, and a lime green base with 2 metal rudders in the back. I remember every time it snowed even just an inch I would be out in the back yard sliding around on that thing. The most fun was when the creek in my backyard froze over we would do "cliff drops" by running and jumping on the board then flying onto the frozen ice. Looking back at it, it is a wonder I never drown or split my head open doing that. Now I wish I still had that board to do what the guys in that video did. Although I don't think the Blacksnow would be as agile and float as well in powder.

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